- Solve the python 2.5 problem: Make sure you have python2.5 installed. sudo apt-get install python2.5 Then you have to be sure that the server starts with python2.5, not python (that's the 2.6 version). So if you have an openerp-server script, change the 'exec /usr/bin/python ./openerp-server.py' to 'exec /usr/bin/python2.5 ./openerp-server.py'
- Solve python-xml. A file is missing from the python-xml package, boolean.so .That has to be compiled from source and copied to /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils . The instructions for compiling would be too long to describe here; If you write me here or on the irc channel, I'll send you my already compiled version or describe the necessary steps in detail.
Update: Finally the deprecated libs were removed, the latest bzr 5.0 and trunk work on new Ubuntus.