03 April 2009

Where are the modules?

Just a reminder how the OpenObject module repositories are set up.
There are 3 categories with 3 levels of code quality review requirements:
The stable 5.0 official addons
The development official addons
are the modules bundled with OpenERP and these represent the core functionality. The OpenERP Quality Team is responsible.
The stable 5.0 extra addons
The development extra addons
is a large collection (~300) of modules from many contributors. They are usually of good quality but the strict review process is not needed. Members of the OpenERP Commiters team can upload here. OpenERP Commiters are more experienced users & developers.
The community addons
is a new repository. This is going to be a repository where everyone can upload his/her modules if he wants to make it publicly available. The OpenERP Community team is open to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, thank you
    and how do I install the Community Addons, is it a plug-in for Eclipse ?


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