16 April 2009

Running OpenERP on Ubuntu 9.04

The OpenERP server has some compatibility problems because it works only with python 2.5 and the deprecated PyXML library. Ubuntu 9.04 has python 2.6 as default and a broken PyXML (python-xml) package. Depedencies on the deprecated PyXML should be removed from OpenERP, anyway. The following instructions require more than basic level linux skills.
  1. Solve the python 2.5 problem: Make sure you have python2.5 installed. sudo apt-get install python2.5 Then you have to be sure that the server starts with python2.5, not python (that's the 2.6 version). So if you have an openerp-server script, change the 'exec /usr/bin/python ./openerp-server.py' to 'exec /usr/bin/python2.5 ./openerp-server.py'
  2. Solve python-xml. A file is missing from the python-xml package, boolean.so .That has to be compiled from source and copied to /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils . The instructions for compiling would be too long to describe here; If you write me here or on the irc channel, I'll send you my already compiled version or describe the necessary steps in detail.
p.s. I've just created a blueprint for python 2.6 support.

Update: Finally the deprecated libs were removed, the latest bzr 5.0 and trunk work on new Ubuntus.


  1. Thank you Dukai for good posts. I think you can put somewhere your compiled version and share.

  2. Can you email-me the file?

    Thank you

  3. Alternatively one can make a symbolic link at /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils to /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils/boolean.so
    It works

  4. You may create a symbolic link like this in Jaunty:

    $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils/boolean.so /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/_xmlplus/utils/boolean.so

  5. oh thats cool i was looking some like this

  6. Can you email me the file?

    thank you

  7. Hi Dukai,

    Great post. Could you email me the file please? purpletullip (at) gmail com

  8. No link is needed. So under Ubuntu 9.04 install the openerp server and client 5 packages with Synaptic.
    Then modify the /usr/bin/openerp-server file as described above (make it point to python2.5).
    Then create this link:
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils/boolean.so /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/oldxml/_xmlplus/utils/boolean.so

    You're all set!

  9. Hi,

    this howto describes how you can install OpenERP 5 on Jaunty. Written in spanish, but pretty easy to follow.
    Worked perfectly for me.


    (Just log in as guest.)



  10. Any luck with 9.10. I have been struggling to install on Ubuntu 9.10 without luck.

  11. Take out "oldxml" folder for making the symbolic link


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